29 December 2008
24 December 2008
That was six years ago.
It just happened again.
I cut my toenails back in November. My big toenails grow with a curve, and last month I didn´t keep in mind that life lesson I learned when I was in 10th grade. The day after cutting – Monday – my toes were fine. Two days later, though, my greatest fear returned: it was ingrown. It´ll grow out, I thought. I lied to myself for three weeks -- it will heal on its own, no painful clinic visit involved.
Then, last week, I attempted to perform self-surgery by trying to cut off the jagged piece that was growing into my skin. It appeared successful, for about a day. But the sharp pain returned, reminding me constantly every time I put pressure on my toe that I need to cut my toenails straight across, not try to remove every last bit of growth. At times unbearable, I walked with a limp. I felt no pain while barefoot or in sandals.
Then, this past weekend, I promised myself, -now-. Conveniently, Mexico City has no shortage of podiatrists. In fact, I found three within two blocks of my apartment. All of them were closed on Sunday, however, and I had to work Monday, so I decided to wait until yesterday, when I was in Santiago, Veracruz, for Christmas, to get it fixed.
Forty minutes waiting at the small, private clinic and the doctor didn't arrive. Ahmed and his mom asked the receptionist when the doctor arrived.
It sounded flakey, "well, I think one of the assistants sent a text message."
"Can't you call him then and ask when he'll arrive?"
"No, we can't call cell phones from the landline."
The inconveniences of Mexico's phone service. I said, forget it, I'll wait until tomorrow, and we left. Then Ahmed´s mom recognizes the doctor pulling up in his car. We run/limp back to the clinic, the doctor looks at my toe --it's infected-- and says he'll give me antibiotics and it'll be fine.
I say, no, it's ingrown and pushing into my skin, so the doctor, with no hesitation, says,
"Alright, then we'll take out the entire toenail. Are you diabetic?"
We go to a small operating room, where I climb up onto the bed, the nurse puts my foot on the tray. I'm sitting up, and she says, "Lie down".The doctor orders the nurse to gather anasthesia. I stay calm.
Then, he sanitizes my toe with alcohol. I feel a little prick, and a needle entering my body, shooting me up with local painkillers.
"Are you diabetic?" he asks again.
Then another prick, this one more painful, and then another, the most painful. I'm calm, but I can almost feel bits of calcium come off as I grind my teeth, and I squeeze my hands together, cracking my knuckles simultaneously as he gives me a third injection. Then a fourth, and he quickly inserts something between my toenail and my skin. I can feel pressure and pain, but nothing as stinging as the anasthesia. He asks me if it hurts, and I say yes. I think, what does it matter if it hurts, you're going to pull it out anyway and you've already loaded me with painkiller.
The doctor clamps the tweezers, or whatever he is using, and lifts my toenail from its place and pulls it out in one piece. I can see Ahmed and his mom from the corner of my eyes and they grimace. Later they tell me there was a little blood, as if I were sweating out a few drops.
"Ya?" (It's out?) I ask the doctor.
That was quick, I think. The whole process took less than five minutes. Those stinging moments of pain were some of the most intense I've felt.The nurse cleans and bandages my toe, then I limp out of the OR, clumsily, and the doctor writes me up a prescription on his typewriter.
He's very to-the-point, even curt.
"Bronson Pettitt, with four t's."
He writes it like Petttit, but it doesn't matter.
"When should I start on the antibiotics?"
"Now. It's going to start hurting once the anaesthesia wears off."
"Was it ingrown?"
"Yes, very ingrown."
"Can I see it?"
"Of course."
I hobble into the OR and ask the nurse. She grabs a piece of dressing and picks up my toenail from the floor. It's extremely curved, nearly a semi-circle. The edge is jagged on the ingrown side, with two sharp points that pierced my skin whenever I pressured my toe.
This perfectly removed big toenail would look creepy if I sent it to one of my enemies with a note that said, "This is only the beginning." Luckily for them, I have no enemies.
I wobble back into the doctor's office and he gives me an antibiotic and an
inflammatory. For the pills and operation, 350 pesos, or about $27 dollars, no insurance.
All in all, the same treatment I would've got in the U.S. -- maybe here a little cruder, but clean and efficient no less -- and at least ten times less expensive. I like to think that this time around, I learned my lesson.
On a side note, I´ve been in Mexico six months today. Later, highlights on my time here.
22 December 2008
I need dance lessons
Maybe Americans lack the culture – and proper music – for dancing, but being in Mexico, it’s tempting to get better at it, and quickly.
19 December 2008
I’ve been a Monopoly dork since I was young. Despite my strongly liberal leanings, I’m not afraid to show my capitalist side. I’m also good at Scrabble. They should make those two games into sports. Watching TV last night, John asked, “Since when did people playing poker on become a sport? Why would you watch that?” I wouldn’t. But I would watch people gobble properties up and baffle other players with words they’ve never heard of.
17 December 2008
Changing pesos makes no cents
Here’s another: Nobody has change in this country. I was in line at a bank yesterday and THREE people in a row asked for change. The teller refused to give any of them change. In a bank! Luckily, I didn’t need change. One time I took 2,000 pesos (about $200) and switched them for 20-peso bills (about $2) at a bank. The teller turned white and quickly glanced around to make sure her boss wasn’t watching, but for those two weeks I didn’t have to bother with vendors telling me, in their nasally chilango accent,
“Pos no tengo cambio joveeen” (I don’t have change, young man [but in a nasally, exaggerated, sing-songy accent]).
I frequently diss them in my posts, and some times they deserve it (but I have a story about a good one which I will post shortly) but taxistas are among the worst offenders. Unlike vendors, who finally give in and grudgingly give you cambio, even if it´s their last bit, taxistas will downright take advantage.
“No tienes cambio brother?”
“No, neta no lo tengo (No, I really don’t have any)”
“….Utz pues, solo te puedo dar cinco pesooos (ootz, well, I can only give you five pesooos),”
You hand your money over reluctantly and you get out of the taxi four pesos poorer than you should be.
Carry change. Lots.
In that same vein, even stores rip you off. Many prices in supermarkets are listed in one-hundredths of a cent, while the lowest coin in Mexico is a ten-cent dime (.007 dollars). So if you buy a kilo of apples for 22.46 pesos, you’ll get charged 22.5 pesos. Those .04 pesos, which are worthless, add up, and multiplied by the number of things sold, well…
That’s like if U.S. vendors started listing their products at $3.238, for example. While the shopper would think it would cost $3.23, the register would ring it up as $3.24.
15 December 2008
Big hands, little napkins
Small hands and small feet go hand-in-hand (pun intended) but luckily I, with a size 10, am lucky that 10 or 11 is usually the highest shoes come. Some gringos I know find it nearly impossible (utz joven, te va´salir más carooo) to find shoes their size.
19 November 2008
On a sidenote, they finished their U.S. tour this past summer, and I was on the verge of going to St. Louis to see them, but nobody could go with me…sigh.
PS. Thanks, Gabo, for buying the tickets. It beat camping outside Foro Sol for two days.
18 November 2008
Big guns
Last night I went to the Sumesa (supermarket) to get some milk. It was about 8:30 and the store was empty, except for the cashiers and about five police...with guns...big guns...like, shotguns and Uzis.
One was at the entrance, two were in the corner, and two were outside. Apparently, they were watching the unloading of food from a semi truck. But armed cops are a common sight here…I started to get used to them, becoming a normality, until yesterday, thinking…what if one of those things goes off while I pay for my Alpura ?!
Everywhere I go, especially near banks and large stores, police stand guard outside, solemn and unmoving. You might think it was a war zone or something, or from heavy crime, but it’s not just in Mxc you see cops with big guns, but everywhere. When I was living in Xalapa two years ago I saw them frequently as well, and this was before Felipe Calderon took office and began to heavily militarize the country.
Their salary is as small as their guns are big, and I’m afraid police aren’t afraid to use them...so that’s why I have no photos for this post.
13 November 2008
And now for something completely different. For having 20 million people, Mexico City is really fricking big. Strangely, though, I see the same people over and over, and it´s happening more frequently. It´s mostly on the MetroBus, which is a linear route along Insurgentes. Everyone has his or her routes for home-work-home, but I see more familiar faces on the bus with each day: and it´s strange because I have a 30-minute window when I leave for work, between 8:05 and 8:35, and on top of that there are frequent busses, so given all these variables, the chance of the same people on the same bus day after day is rare. Or maybe not...
...on Sunday, I was running all over Mexico City with a friend, who was interviewing people about their jobs and recording them for a work project, and I saw this kid near a cafe. An hour later, we took the metro from Chilpancingo (see photo; bottom left) to Chabacano, then up to Pino Suarez (top right). Changing lines at Pino Suarez I see the same kid from the cafe, walking to connect as well, but going the opposite direction!! It might sound whoop-dee-doo to you, but living in a big city you get used to the idea that most of the people on the street you´ll never see again in your life.
23 October 2008
Now with free delivery.
1. With some browsers, look for the little orange box in the address line of my page. Click the box and a little menu will appear, with a few different subscriptions. Click one and it will open a new page, where you can "subscribe" to my blog -- basically, you add it to your bookmarks. But wait, there´s more! This fancy bookmark checks my page and whenever I update it includes the entry in a pull-down menu. So instead of having to go through all the trouble to load my page, you just click the button on your bookmarks and see if there´s an update!
2. If you don´t see the little orange dealy-o, you should probably update your browser :) You can also bookmark my page at the right side of the screen where it says ....or bookmark me!"
3. If you have some sort of Reader ( a thingy that collects your favorite news sources and brings them to your homepage, e-mail, or Reader whenever a new article is published ) then click on "free delivery" at the top left of my page.
happy reading!
21 October 2008
Tuna leaves
One of my favorite quotes from election season was from Joe Biden describing McCain´s lack of maverickyness:
"Look, let's talk about the maverick John McCain is. And again I love him, he's been a maverick on some issues but he's been no maverick on things that matter (to) people's lives....So a maverick he is not, on the important critical issues that affect people at the kitchen table."
As a side note, check out Tina Fey´s spot-on mockery of Sarah Palin and you´ll be tempted to add "mavericky" to your lexicon.
It´s cliched, but one thing I miss about being in Minnesota is the fall colors. October is a very beautiful month -- the air is crisp and refreshing, leaves are changing and it smells like pumpkins and candy corn every where you go. Mexico has varied seasons but none that produce a climax leading to more extreme conditions, and the most you get from trees are smelly brown leaves that fall off some trees. For a dramatic and hilarious take on leaves and trees, check out this Monty Python spot, from the Meaning of Life, one of my favorites.
Yesterday I tried a new fruit: tuna (in English - prickly pear or cactus apple). It tasted nothing fishy, but more like a sweet and juicy cucumber with a slight hint of watermelon. No resemblence to a pear or an apple.
19 October 2008
"Mexico City is a natural pollution trap. Surrounded by mountains on three sides and located 7,400 feet above sea level, the soot and exhaust from the city’s four million mostly high-polluting cars gets trapped in a cloud over the city, which experiences 300 days a year of exceedingly high ozone levels. To fix things, the city has begun a pilot project retrofitting 25 diesel buses with particulate filters. Now, if it could only retrofit the other 2,975 buses . ."
Mexico City gets a bad rep for its pollution. People (who have never been here) tell me being in MxC is like smoking two packs of cigarettes per day. That`s a naive statement: there`s no way 20 million people would survive smoking 40 cigarettes each day. That`s called effective population control. But you do notice how dirty the air can be. I`ve started sneezing and sniffling constantly in my job. I work on the 20th floor of a high rise, right up there with the thick blanket of haze and smog, and I think the ventilation system sucks in air from way up there.
On the streets, you smell the diesel exhaust from trucks and unburned gasoline dripping out of the old lime-green VW taxis. It can be arresting some times. On top of that you see, smell or step in streaks of dog doo, puddles of acid rainwater or a river of greasy pork slime from a street stand. It's not just Mexico City, though -- any big city has its environmental vices.
Besides the occasional unpleasantry, I've gotten used to the exhaust and smog. In some areas of the city it's not so bad. The worst is the zocalo (city square in downtown). With so much congestion, it's intolerable. When I came here in June
The house I live in, though, is like a mini sanctuary from all that contamination. Almost every square foot has a plant of some type. Plants filter the air, and they add good vibes to any enclosed space. With so much rain and sun, plants grow well in MxC.
I had a baby cactus and another small plant with long, skinny leaves on my desk in the office to maintain the good vibes, but with a lack of direct sun, they were drying and dying, so I brought them back and put them out on the patio. Hopefully they survive.
17 October 2008
Baxter in Mexico
- My cousin Betsy had her baby on Oct. 7, also the birthday of my bro Isaac. Congratz to Nick, Betsy and baby Grace!
- Wednesday marked two years since my dad died. I miss him. It´s still a shock, every day it is, but I think it´s easier to accept as time goes on. It hasn´t seemed like that long, though. I think part of it had to do with me being back in Mexico -- where I was when it happened. Memories are more urgent if you´re surrounded by the same sights, sounds and smells of when they were made.
- I´ve been closely following the elections, and I´m embarassed to say this, but more so than Mexican news. It´s like getting a nasty addiction to the greasiest McDonald´s food.
I´ve been back to Mexico about three weeks now, and I brought my cat, Baxter. He´s a manx, which means he has no tail -- he was born without one, as most manxes are. Some manxes have little stubs, but Baxter, nada. I had never taken him aboard an airplane, and I was nervous he would be crying the whole time (since I kept him under my seat in a Pet Taxi) and bother everyone, but in fact he was fine -- even better than a car ride, which he loathes.
Baxter enjoys Mexico so far. I haven´t noticed any strong reaction to Mexico City´s pollution or altitude. But he was full of matts, his whole body. I took most of them out before I brought him to MX, but last week I had to shave his bottom half. He´s not bald, but he looks more like a baby lion. The pix below are before he was s
I live on the third floor of a giant, old house. The whole top floor is a patio but it has a large studio room and a normal size room, where I sleep. The top floor has an opening to the rest of the house to bring in light to the first floor (which also has an open-air patio). A concrete beam sits perpendicular over the opening, and a slanted ledge parallels the side. The opening is protected by a metal fence, but being a cat, Baxter´s curiosity took over and he walked through the opening of the fence and out onto the beam. Fine. But he also walked out onto the slanted ledge, and being a clumsy, clawless (all four paws) creature, he started to slip down the ledge. Luckily, he scurried back to the fence and crawled back onto the patio before he fell, but it was a close call, so we´ve put barriers so he can´t try to kill himself again; it´s about a 30-foot drop.
Because of his curiosity, Baxter has to stay in my room all day, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. But when he does get to wander around and explore the patio, he´s ecstatic:
Ahmed, Baxter, Mathilde and I.
A wild manx, ready to go for the prey (butterfly).
Just so they wouldn´t get jealous of so many cat pix, I´ve included a pic of our dogs back home: Caly, Sheba, Star, Clarice.
Wanting to exploit the comforts of a wood stool, Baxter has second thoughts: a jacuzzi filled with raunchy water on the left and a razor-sharp plant on the right threaten his mobility.
10 October 2008
Votes, pesos and cacti
Speaking of modified -- holy crap, the peso hit 14.30 to the dollar on Wednesday!!! The global markets taking a hit from the US´ sinking economy. Just last month, the peso was at a multi-year high against the dollar -- 9.50. at this moment its´13.05 to the dollar. To give an idea -- I pay 2,500 pesos per month for rent. I paid the equivalent of $263 greenies last month, as opposed to $175 this past Wednesday, when my rent was due. Of course, I get paid in pesos, so it doesn´t matter as long as the rent is the same. I suppose a lower value of peso is good for gringos converting dollars into pesos. But I doubt it will be for long, as inflation will probably catch up and the price of everything will rise.
Anyway, I got my ballot E-MAILED to me the other day. How cool is that? You don´t even have to leave home to vote, at least in Minnesota. Each state is different, but you can register and request an absentee ballot with little reason other than "I will be away on election day" and voilá, print, vote and mail (postage paid). I think Minnesota is one of only four states that pays your postage.
12 September 2008
Motherly advice
26 August 2008
Today is Tuesday
- At work, about to end my lunch break (2 hours is the norm in Mexico)
- Ate a semi-digestible hot dog ("Vikingo") from a convenience store, mango juice, cold latte -- 26 pesos. For breakfast, sincronizadas (think quesadillas) from my dealer (man who pushes a food cart around the building), 15 pesos.
- The city is semi-smoggy -- ie, you can see the mountains and Santa Fe, but barely. For reference, I work on the 20th floor of the Mural Tower, and you can see most of the city. On a bad day (ie, most of the time), you can´t see the mountains, which lie about 5 miles south, Santa Fe, 7 miles east.
- Reading "Brave New World", in Spanish
- Working on two projects: updating AML´s website (www.aml.com.mx) and putting together a curriculum for teaching English.
- I have this rubber thingy, not sure what it´s called, kind of resembles a thimble, but you put it over your finger and you can page through documents easily. It smells horrible, but I can´t stop sniffing it.
- Just for kicks, I bid fake money on Joe Biden as getting selected as Obama´s VP on Intrade. If it were real money, I´d be rich...that´s how much I bid.
18 August 2008
Obama in Mexico

I always tell them I hope he wins, but it´s such a close race that it´s too hard to predict (and if he loses, I´m moving to Canada -- or staying in Mexico).
Then I return the question, asking, "what do you think"?
The response depends on who I´m talking to: unless it´s a young person, they usually say they have no opinion (in general, Mexicans tend to err on the cautious side when talking about politics, especially if it´s with foreigners). But if it´s someone under 30, undoubtedly they will say Obama.
Curiously, Mexicans showed little interest in the US presidential race. According to a Pew Global Attitudes survey conducted in June, Mexico is the country with the fourth-lowest interest in the race (of the 23 nations polled). 30 percent of Mexicans have a favorable image of Obama (compared to 19 percent of McCain). There´s something to be said, however, about the timing of that poll: it´s two months old, the race has certainly heated up since then, and McCain made a brief stop to Mexico last month, in what was a widely publicized event, and to some, a misguided and awkward excuse to garner Latino votes in the US. What´s more, McCain is Protestant, and received blessings in the Basilica (Mexico´s equivalent of the Mecca), in an overwhelmingly Catholic country and one in which (unlike the US) politicians avoid mixing religion with their campaigns. Misguided, indeed.
The U.S. presidential race is captivating far more than Americans´attention: it´s safe to say that in nearly every country, particularly in Western Europe, foreigners favor Obama by as much as 53 percent over John McCain (72%:19% in Spain; 84%:33% in France), and in some countries (notably, Japan, at 83 percent, and Germany, about 82 percent), the election is being followed heavily or somewhat (in the US, it´s at 80 percent). Not surprisingly, McCain maintains his highest ratings in the US (60 percent have favorable views of McCain, 59 percent for Barry), while every other country polled by Pew (except Jordan) favors Obama.
13 August 2008
In general, there are two types of taxis in Mexico City: legitimate and pirated. You can almost always tell the difference by their license plates. Legit taxis carry government-issued taxi plates, differentiated by a red or green bar at the bottom of the plate. Pirated taxis, on the other hand, use normal plates like other cars, but usually the loud exhaust, squealing tires and numerous dents give them away.
One downside to legitimate taxis, however, is that they are often as bad as pirated taxis. For example, I took a legit taxi the other day in the downtown, and the tires were noticeably loose. The taxi driver seemingly had little control over his car, and whenever we´d make a turn he´d fight with the steering wheel to make sure we didn´t veer off into oncoming traffic. I noticed, too, that he had a long, thin, discrete mirror attached to the sun visor, directly in view of the passenger´s crotch. Watch out, ladies.
All of this negative talk makes taxistas sound like the most horrible people around. Although they are close, taxi drivers have a few redeeming factors: they tend to have impressive knowledge of the city, they have the ability to weave and curve around traffic, they´re better than using mass transit on crowded days, and they´re cheap. Flag drop costs about sixty cents, and most taxi rides cost between $2 and $6. I´ve had good conversations with some taxistas, but most of the time they´re silent -- the majority barely talks to you.
One uncommon sight is to see a female taxista. I´ve only seen a few, and last wek was my first experience with one. It was a massively obese grandma driving a scummy little Beetle (many people still drive the old Beetles in Mexico, and lime-green Beetle taxis in Mexicoare ubiquitous) with no power steering. Interesting sight...
Beetle taxis (or Vochos) are as ubiquitous as ambulantes, a topic for another day :)
25 July 2008
My blog has been dormant for almost three months, and I apologize to those loyal fans who missed out on bralapanews, but don´t worry, I´m back and eager to write...I´ll have PLENTY of stuff to blog about...
I´m living in Mexico City and am now working at an intellectual property law firm doing miscellaneous stuff (job title: etceterista and/or gringo-in-residence) such as translating legal documents, helping out lawyers and researching lucha libre (masked Mexican wrestling)!!!
Anyway, tune in to your favorite blog for more news bits, gossip, photography, moving pictures and things that your eyes like.
29 April 2008
Here's a video I made for a class. I could've spent more time editing it, and if I did it again I would've used a tripod, but that's something you realize when you see it on a bigger screen than the camcorder. I used iMovie 06 HD, which is surprisingly easy and a pleasure to work with, but a few things are irritating: namely, I couldn't find a way to merge audio and video once they're separated, and some of the timeline functions are buggy. Aside from that, '06 is a winner.
06 April 2008
April foolery
Pretending to be an Onion contributor for a day is many college student reporters' dream, but there are some risks you run into. I had already decided I wouldn't target or name anyone, who wasn't well known. In other words, not directly mock any students or faculty, but more so administrators. Even poking fun at administrators, however, was risky, or at least I perceived it as such: I didn't want to burn any bridges or cause awkward tensions.
I had little to lose: I'm graduating next month, my position as editor will end soon and I doubted the stories I would've written would've put the paper in any sort of legal woes.
So why refrain from limitless mockery? Well, I didn't want to do anything I'd regret. At 11 p.m., jokey headlines and stories always seem more funny than when someone comes knocking at your door, demanding an apology or yelling at you for screwing with their reputation. In that regard, you have to think beyond the production-night punnery, and into the next day, and beyond.
So did we have fun while making a statement? Readers can decide for themselves.
The other day, I received a call from building services, which performs maintenance and cleaning at the university. They were upset about a story I'd written about an author who made a book about bathroom graffiti who was asking for submissions. Building services thought the story would provoke more incidences of graffiti and vandalism. I assured him it wasn't my intention to cause graffiti, and that I'd rewrite that part of the story calling for submissions.
So what to do when you write something like that? Just because you write it doesn't mean you condone or condemn it; you're just reporting on the facts, or ideally so. On the other hand, if you or your editor deemed it wasn't worthy of the paper's pages, you wouldn't pursue the story. That's attaching newsworthiness to certain topics. Although the intellectual merit of my story was obviously lacking, I thought it to be an interesting book and since everyone sees graffiti in their lives and perhaps wonders what becomes of it, it was newsworthy.
This has nothing to do with journalism, but I was thinking the other day: you know how brain cancer is supposedly linked to cell phone usage? What if researchers don't take into consideration the fact that cell phones add stress to your life? If you have a cell phone, you're always worrying that the battery is charged, or that you don't forget your phone, or that you check your texts and voicemails, or that someone is trying to call you, or that the phone is silenced. Plus, you submit yourself to the demands of everyone who has your number. On the other hand, if you didn't have a cell phone, you wouldn't have to worry about any of that; people would have to wait for you to return their calls. Perhaps it's not so much the electromagnetic-cancerous waves bouncing into your brain as the added cancer-inducing stress from having a cell phone that causes cancer.
In the past year I've went several times without cell phones, and in Mexico I depended on it far less because they are so expensive to use. For two weeks last semester I didn't have a cell, and it was nice. I dare readers to go without their cell phone for a day: how does it change your life?
30 March 2008
Who is your friend and who is your Facebook friend?
Anyway, for my post I'll talk about Skype, becoming cross-eyed, and birthdays. Cell phones revolutionized how we communicate, and Skype doesn't so much revolutionize as evolve how we talk to each other.
Skype blows my mind. For starters, the fact that you can call almost any number in the world from your computer is amazing. But it's the features of Skype that make the program excellent: for example, you can buy a number in a foreign country for about $30 a year. People in that foreign country call that number and it calls your Skype account and pay what it costs to make a local call, rather than spending on long distance. Then, you can change the settings so that all calls received to your account are forwarded to another phone, such as your cell or landline. But wait, there's more! Let's suppose you have a cell carrier that doesn't have long distance. Instead of paying to call long distance, you can get a free SkypeOut local number (as long as you're paying for Skype Pro, at $3 monthly, which includes a myriad of other features) and you call that number -say a 507 number- which accesses your Skype account and you can use speed dial or enter any number, domestic, national or international. With SkypePro, you get free unlimited calls to anywhere in the US, but if you don't pay that $3 a month then it costs $.02 per minute, with other countries varying form $.02 a minute to up to $1.50 or so. There are also special Skype phones that have most of the features the Skype for computer has, but you need to be in a Wi-Fi hotspot to do so. But ultimately you can use the SkypeOut from your regular plain-jane cell phone. In effect, you have Skype wherever you go, regardless if you have a computer. Revolutionary or evolutionary?
That's shameless promotion for Skype, but once you have it and experience all its glory (other features such as voicemail, SMS, webcamming, instant messaging, and a strange feature - SkypeMe - in which you can call random people across the world and talk to them).
Skype certainly isn't the first application to take advantage of these features, but what it did was Apple-ize it, or, take those features, improve upon how the other apps failed at implementing them, or did them poorly, and Skype made them better, user-friendly, and squeaky-clean looking. Skype isn't perfect, that's for sure, as I have problems making calls sometimes using SkypeOut from my cell, but overall Skype is the PowerBook of an all-in-one telephony and instant messaging application.
One reason that print media will never go out of print, despite all it lacks when compared to snazzy online media, is the fact that it is very comfortable to read and look at. It can be very difficult to look at a computer screen for an extended period, and perhaps my biggest complaint about most online text is that it's too small. WAY too small....even when i adjust the setting on my computer, it's still too small. I always increase the size of the text, but usually that goofs up the layout of the page. I don't think my eyesight is -that- bad yet, but it might be that I just spend too much time in front of a computer and my eyes begin to hurt, my contacts dry and I start going cross-eyed, unable to control the muscles in my sockets. I wonder what animals think when they see us staring at a rectangular box with light flickering in our face? I remember seeing a comic one time, and I wish I could find it, but it has a family sitting on a couch after the power has went out and instead staring at the TV, they stare at a nail in the wall, and it has a good punchline. I wish I could remember it, but TV has killed many of my brain cells, including the one that remembered that joke.
So, today is my birthday, and although I got many salutations and "happy birthdays" in person and over the phone, only one person, my cousin, wished me happy birthday on Facebook. Not that I feel sad, but I just think it's funny how dependent we've become on technology. The thing is, I didn't have my birthday displayed on my profile until 11:30 p.m., on purpose, and I changed it so anyone seeing my profile would see my anniversary of life. And what do you know! As soon as I put public my birthday, I get a birthday wish from someone who I haven't talked to since last summer! For those of you not in the Facebook loop, the site compiles the birthdays of whoever's completing that day and puts a little birthday reminder section on the homepage. That way you can see birthdays of everyone in your network, and most peoples' networks consist of anybody from best friends to minor acquaintances and internent-only friends. Now, I don't expect acquaintances or distant friends to remember my birthday, but it just goes to show how much we need Facebook for birthday reminders, if anything else. Since I've had a Facebook account I've put public my b-day, and every year I'd get at least 30 birthday wishes, maybe even much more, and it irritated the hell out of me. I get all these people who, one day a year, decide to send me a brief wish for a good year and bla-bla-bla, and pretend to care, but the other 364 (or 365) days, when that message really would in fact make my day a little brighter (I have enough family and close friends wishing me a happy birthday as it is), those so-called friends don't decide to care. It's like Black History Month: you can care about it for one month, but the rest of the year blacks don't matter, according to Chris Rock. That's one of the reasons why I'm a little uneasy with birthdays. Oh, and the happy birthday song is annoying. I'm not a cynic, and I like good food, good company and a few presents, but it just makes me wonder how dependent we're becoming on technology to do stuff for us (ie, birthday reminders, or have an excuse not to make physical contact with someone and tell them in person, or the phone, to have a happy birthday).
I'll wait and see these next few days who sends me a belated-Facebook-birthday wish after making the connection of my birthday, the fact they didn't wish me a happy one, and the fact that I got few wishes on the Wall: in lieu of the belated birthday card, it's the belated birthday message on the Wall. That way, people will care (even if it's minimal and to the extent of writing a one-sentence greeting lacking punctuation and capitalization) when I most need it.
23 February 2008
Riding the media bandwagon
18 February 2008
From a drop in the ocean to a hurricane, bloggery encompasses the masses
11 February 2008
We're all mojos
04 February 2008
"Certainly, after 50 years, the unique historical value of these records outweighs any secrecy rationale," said Thomas S. Blanton, the director of the National Security Archive, which filed the petition, with support from more than a dozen scholars. The archive, based at George Washington University, is a nonprofit group that uses the Freedom of Information Act to challenge government secrecy.
Among the historians were John Lewis Gaddis, the Robert A. Lovett professor of military and naval history at Yale, and Ronald Radosh, adjunct senior fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington and past president of the Historians of American Communism.
28 January 2008
The 11 layers of citizen journalism, and that's just the beginning.
22 January 2008
one size fits all
My puppy is dead.
But I got a new one...kind of...in the form of a blog for a class.
At least I'll be updating more frequently this semester, since my grade depends on it.
Cheers to puppies.
— Anyway, just in case you newbie readers are wondering, Bralapa means Bronson + Xalapa. Xalapa is the Mexican city in which I studied a year.
— Click on the ads above to help fund my scholarly pursuits. I suggest all you bloggers, especially those in my class, sign up for Google AdSense: let Google put ads on your site and you earn money when users click them. Hardly anything, but it's a nice bonus for doing homework.