23 January 2009

I wear Mexico on my hand

The other day I was crossing the street and tripped over a hole in the road. Asphalt, my hands and right elbow briefly kissed, and a few days later I noticed that the scrape on my right hand resembled the outline of Mexico City. Uncanny.


All of last week was rainy, cold and overcast. This week it’s been the opposite, and on Wednesday, you could see the snow atop Iztaccihuatl (iz-tah-see-watt-ull; sleeping woman), a rare site from here. Regrettably, I didn’t take any photos of Mexico City from my office – every day except today has been exceptionally clear, no smog. Today is disgusting, but maybe it will be better in the afternoon.


Preview: Bloggery topics for next week:
  • We haven’t had any picture posts for a long, long time. I have a pile of Mexico City snaps I’ll post.
  • They’re cutting water next week for 3-4 days…I’ll detail the despair and dehydration.
  • A recipe for delicious chocolate shakes.
  • My sporadic attempts at vegetarianism.
  • A review of the new Metrobus line.
  • Obama.
  • And maybe a post from a special guest!

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