23 August 2006

¡Que chaotico, Mexico!

Right now I´m sitting in a tiny internet cafe in Mexico City, the craziest, biggest, and smelliest place I´ve ever been. I don´t know how to describe it, and to write down all the things I´ve encountered in the 20 hours I´ve been here could fill an entire book. Plus, this keyboard is really hard to use, because where you normally find the shift button is a little < and you get all these weird symbols that would take you five minutes to usç çe on aº¿¡ a regular computer.

Here´s a list of things that I notice / like / dislike about the D. F. (later, I´ll make a longer post about my plane ride, my entrance to Mexico, and all that, complete with mind-bogglingly good pictures).

I´ve noticed....
* More PDAs (public displays of affection) Maybe it´s just a bigcity thing, but it seems like more people kiss and hug in public than the US. But even strangers passing on the street say, hola, buenos tardes, so it reflects on Mexico´s hospitality.
* Everyone drives small cars. Think 2 door Geo Metro, and get rid of every SUV and truck...that´s what you have in DF (DF = Distrito Federal, the capitol, aka Mexico City).

I like....
* The mass transit system. Even though traffic is horrendous, taxis and buses are everywhere, and they´re cheap. I took two taxis yesterday with my friend Ahmed, a Mexican student from Xalapa, and they both cost less than 20 pesos, about $2. One of them was a green VW bug, which sounded like a semi. And the subway is great too. It´s blazing fast and doesn´t brake.

Ok i´m gonna go now, there´s nothing i dislike about DF. Just kidding. I´ll post later, I gotta run now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Brons-
So glad you made it safely and looks like you had a whirlwind tour of Mexico City. It will be great reading your blog. Take care bud-love you! Aunt Sally